The ISGS Geological Records Unit provides copying for paper records of over 700,000 wells drilled in Illinois. Copies of items listed below can be ordered by calling 217-333-5109, by sending e-mail to: or by faxing a request to 217-244-4544.
Set up fee $5.00
Wireline logs*
- for wells up to 6,000 ft deep – $9.00
- for wells more than 6,000 ft deep – $12.00
Single sheet scan or paper copy – $0.50
Faxed sheets and parts of logs; price per sheet – $1.50
(*Includes a copy of the well summary. If only well summary sheets are ordered, price per sheet is $.50)
Digital Log Information
The Geological Records Unit is now offering scanned geophysical logs as tif files. The tif files can be delivered to you on CD, sent via e-mail (small file size), or retrieved by you over the Internet from the ISGS FTP server (office hours only; large file size).
Some programs available to assist in viewing the scanned logs are AutoCad, Rockworks, and Neuralog.
BlueView Log Image Manipulation Software is offered for download from Schlumberger.
Charges for Logs as tif Files
Setup fee: $20.00
For previously scanned logs, $1.00 per log
For logs that need scanning, $5.00 per log
Discount: 10% when ordering entire county (not all counties have been scanned).
Copies will be shipped within 5 to 10 business days of ordering.
All copies of geological records are shipped First Class Mail or United Parcel Service unless otherwise requested. Shipping charges will be based on the size of the order and will be calculated when the order is processed.
Approximate shipping charges:
Up to $7.00 add $2.00
$7.01–$14.00 add $3.50
$14.01–21.00 add $5.00
$21.01–28.00 add $6.50
$28.01–35.00 add $8.00
$35.01–42.00 add $9.50
$42.01–64.00 add $11.00
Over $64.00 add $15.00
Add $3.00 handling fee for orders charged to Corporate shipping accounts.
Prepayment is required. VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover are accepted.